
We are committed to open science, which includes deposition of all our research articles to pre-print servers, ensuring all peer-reviewed publications are open-access, and sharing resources and reagents with the community in a timely and transparent manner.


SP4 Protocol for bottom-up proteomics sample preparation. From cells to mass spec–ready peptides in ~ 2 hours at the bench—without the need for any specialist reagents or equipment.
SP4-protocol.pdf | proteomics-workflow.jpg | publication-link

Web-based resources

Protein complex profiling of HSP90 inhibitor–treated cells. Explore our size-exclusion chromatography–based proteomics dataset, mapping the native elution profiles of 4,645 proteins in HT29 human colon cancer cells +/- the HSP90 inhibitor tanespimycin (17-AAG). | publication-link

Recorded Talks

“Why we turn over our proteins (and how it gets done).” Watch Rahul’s invited talk on the logic and logistics of protein turnover, presented online at Methuselah Health UK’s 2020 Virtual Meeting on “Why We Age: Biophysical Limits and Trade-offs of Ageing”.