Yasmeen & Stephen's book chapter on proteostasis dysregulation with ageing online now

Image credit: Al-Mufti, Cranwell, & Samant (2022), ©Elsevier

Our book chapter reviewing the literature on how the proteostasis network is re-wired during ageing is online today.

Thanks to Yasmeen and Stephen for really getting into the weeds, and for taking charge with all the figures.

This book chapter is part of the textbook, “Molecular, Cellular, and Metabolic Fundamentals of Human Aging”. Thanks to the editors Evandro Fang, Linda Bergersen, and Brian Gilmour for inviting us to write it!

Rahul Samant
Rahul Samant
Tenure-track Group Leader

My research interests include all things proteostasis, ubiquitin, proteomics, and ageing.