Harvey wins Best Poster Award at BSPR 2022

Image credit: Ruth Walker via twitter

Congrats to Harvey Johnston for winning a Best Poster Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the British Society for Proteome Research, held in St. Anne’s College at Oxford University.

It’s been quite the week for Harvey. The poster presented his SP4 proteomics sample preparation method to the proteomics community for the first time, just a few days after the manuscript was accepted in Analytical Chemistry.

As well as disseminating the research, Harvey was also giving away eppendorfs filled with acetonitrile-washed glass beads, ready for those wishing to give SP4 a go in their next proteomics sample preps!

Image credit: BSPR

Harvey’s attendance at the meeting was generously funded by a Travel Grant from the Babraham Institute’s Postdoc Society. Thanks!

Rahul Samant
Rahul Samant
Tenure-track Group Leader

My research interests include all things proteostasis, ubiquitin, proteomics, and ageing.